How to Choose Window Treatments Based on Your Design Style
Every person is different; wouldn't it be boring if we were all the same? We all prefer certain colors, patterns, textures, aesthetics, etc. Within these variations, we tend to gravitate toward one design style or another.
In this month's blog, I'll be sharing information about the window treatments that jive best with each particular design style. Not sure what your style is? No worries - I'll also include a few details on each so that you will be able to identify something you are comfortable with.
Privacy Please! Covering Doors and Entryways
I’ve made many treatments for sliding glass doors, French doors and sidelights, but the number of requests for door coverings last year alone surprised me! Now that people have been spending more time at home than ever before, they are realizing a need for more privacy.
5 window covering combos for a warm and cozy winter
My perfect winter day at home is spent curled up on the sofa with a good book or playing board games with my family when they're visiting. Snowy winter days will soon be here, and I'm looking forward to them. If the amount of food my outdoor cat is eating is any indication, we are in for a lot of snowy days! My cat knows his layers of thick fur and added fat will keep him warm.
linings: the undergarments for window treatments
When is the last time, if ever, you’ve thought about drapery linings? If your answer is never, that’s good! The purpose of drapery linings is to enhance window treatments but not take center stage. Linings are to window treatments as undergarments are to clothing. You shouldn’t think about them, but if they are doing their job, they make everything look good.
5 Months With Freya
From late March to mid-August of this year I had the opportunity to care for my 2-year-old granddaughter, Freya. While COVID had been going strong on both the East and West coasts for a couple of months, it arrived later, similarly to fashion trends and high-speed internet, to Indiana. By the end of March, COVID had reached the midwest and poo filled the diaper. Not just filled it, but blew out the sides and top.
Behind the Scenes of a Custom Drapery Workroom
You've just redecorated a room; you've got floor coverings, furniture, and accessories in place. What's next? The right window treatments bring continuity to the room. They coordinate the textures and colors from the floor and furnishings to the walls. The right window treatments can finish a room the same way the right accessory or shade of lipstick completes an outfit or look.
Everything You Need To Know About My Custom Slipcovers
Does this sound familiar? You’ve spent day after day in your makeshift home office and realize the ugly chair Aunt Mary gave you might actually look good with different fabric. Or you avoid looking in one corner of your living room because the damage the cat did when she used the loveseat as a scratching post makes you cringe. Or you repainted your family room during a bout of cabin fever and now your furniture looks out of place; it's all in good condition but you don't know what to do with it.
A Humorous Look at Planning Your Dream Space
Like many of you, I’m stuck at home during the Pandemic, adhering to my state’s Stay at Home directive, with only essential travel. I work from home on a regular basis so you’d think I’d be used to this stay at home stuff, right? Nope. Everything has been postponed (consultations and installs) and getting work done is difficult due to lack of motivation (can’t deliver any finished orders). Add in guilt that I should be spending working hours making masks and I feel out of sorts.
Blogging in the time of a pandemic
As my fourth blog post ever, I'm still a little new to the finer points of blogging. The SEO's , the number of words, the formatting - I'm not fluent in computer - Steep learning curve! Also, if you've read my first blog you'll remember that I didn't list writing as a talent. I'm navigating a new world. My goal was to post regularly on the first Wednesday of the month. Why a Wednesday?
Which Window Treatments are Best for Your Children's Safety?
Did you know that from 2012 to 2017, there were 50 fatalities reported to the Consumer Product Safety Council CPSC that
were related to window cord strangulation among infants and young children under 10 years old. It's not October, the official "Cord safety" month, but this topic is important enough to be covered any time. People work hard at making their homes safe, but often window treatments are overlooked.